Jenna Ortega Changed Her Diet for Wednesday

When Jenna Ortega filmed Wednesday she had to change her entire diet and it's for a crazy reason! Jenna is a vegan but Wednesday filmed in Romania and it proved to be a huge challenge for Jenna. Romania is in Southeastern Europe and their native foods include a lot of soup and meat dishes. Jenna said she wasn’t meeting her nutritional plan so she started adding fish to her diet. But what she did next changed everything, Jenna went vegetarian in Romania but only ate cruelty-free food options. Jenna’s diet was still limited abroad so when crew members asked Jenna what her favorite food was in Romania, you won’t believe what she said, Jenna would tell people her favorite food was avocados! But that wasn’t the only challenge Jenna faced in Romania, she spent long hours performing stunts, fencing and playing the cello. After a scene finished all Jenna wanted to do was take a hot shower but you won’t believe what happened! Romania didn’t have any warm water for the cast and crew so Jenna took cold showers every day and risked getting sick just so she could be clean.

When Jenna Ortega filmed Wednesday she had to change her entire diet and it's for a crazy reason! Jenna is a vegan but Wednesday filmed in Romania and it proved to be a huge challenge for Jenna. Romania is in Southeastern Europe and their native foods include a lot of soup and meat dishes. Jenna…

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