Healthy Eating Tips : Eating a High Fiber Diet
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Eating a high-fiber diet can usually be done if you resort back to the whole forms of food, rather than processed and packaged forms. Get plenty of fiber in your diet with advice from a health promotion specialist in this free video on healthy eating.
Expert: Charlotte Lawson
Bio: Charlotte Lawson is a licensed and registered dietitian and nutritionist who graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and health promotion specialization.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Series Description: Eating healthy is a way of life that has so many positive benefits, from a healthy heart to looking slim, it's surprising more people don't. Live a healthier lifestyle with advice from a health promotion specialist in this free video series on healthy eating.
Eating a high-fiber diet can usually be done if you resort back to the whole forms of food, rather than processed and packaged forms. Get plenty of fiber in your diet with advice from a health promotion specialist in this free video on healthy eating. Expert: Charlotte Lawson Bio: Charlotte Lawson is a licensed and…